Far Cry Primal Latest Updates
Far Cry 5 Officially Unveiled Through Ubisoft Teaser Trailer - More Planned For May 26

Nothing these days seems to last until the traditional E3 press conference blow-out. Mentioned last week as certainly being in attendance, Far Cry 5 now has its setting - Hope County, Montana.
Far Cry Primal is getting a survival mode

I don’t know about you, but I love surviving. Give me a stick, a rock, and a hunger meter and I’m happy as can be. It’s a shame that video games so rarely revolve around surviving the elements these days, but thankfully, Ubisoft is listening.
Ubisoft releases launch patch for Far Cry on PC

Ubisoft has released the PC version of Far Cry Primal, and today the first patch that addresses stability and performance has been launched. It also adds multi-GPU configuration fixes and Camera/Control/Character optimizations, among other improvements.
Ubisoft takes you behind the scenes of recreating the Stone Age

Far Cry Primal is all about cavemen. (And cavewomen too, I’d assume.) There’s a certain amount of historical record there, which Ubisoft is delving into with their latest developer diary.
Two new Far Cry Primal videos released by Ubisoft

Far Cry Primal is due to launch on 23rd February 2016, and Ubisoft has accelerated the media blitz, today releasing not one but two videos about the game.