Farming Simulator 2013 Summary
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Farming Simulator to receive dedicated peripherals in 2015 from Mad Catz

Yes, as the appetite for Farming Simulator is apparently rabid, peripheral maker Mad Catz has decided it's time to get in on the action and work on some dedicated controller hardware for the series. It'll be compatible with Farming Simulator 2013, 2015 and future games in the series. They want the "same level of engineering and realism" brought to farming as they already do for flight sims.
Titanium Edition of Farming Simulator 2013 hits PC tomorrow

Giants Software has announced that the Titanium expansion to their sim Farming Simulator 2013 will be released tomorrow on PC. The expansion will add all of the new features and content that were introduced in the recent Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of the game.
Saints Row IV's third consecutive week atop UK chart, Total War: Rome II second

Volition's Saint Row IV really speaks to the British public as it keeps the UK chart crown for its third week running. Marching in formation right behind it is Creative Assembly's Total War: Rome II. The console launch for Diablo III gives the Blizzard's action-RPG 3rd place. Splinter Cell: Blacklist is 4th, and Farming Simulator 2013 10th. MMO Final Fantasy XIV falls 11th.
Farming Simulator on Xbox 360 and PS3 this summer

The unbelievably successful hit that was Farming Simulator on PC is now coming to Xbox 360 and PS3 this summer. The farm sim on consoles has an all-new American backdrop for that Smallville vibe, I guess. Focus Home has released a trailer proving I'm not just messing with you; this is actually happening. Until now your summer was filled with picnics and playtime - now it's back to the farmhand days.
Farming Simulator 2013 arriving September on consoles

Such is the odd cult following of Faming Simulator that it's going to get a release on Xbox 360 and PS3. Giants Software will be unleashing their agriculutral best-seller in the first week of September this year. The game world is 'doubled' with exclusive land for the console versions, as well as exclusive farming vehicles. Who knew virtual farming could be so fun outside of a Facebook setting?