Garry's Mod Summary
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A Smaller Steam Cut Would Have Earned Garry's Mod Developer Facepunch Studios “over $50m more"

Garry's Mod developer Facepunch Studios would have earned “over $50m more" if Valve only took a 10% cut from games available on Steam.
Facepunch Studios is working on another Garry's Mod game

Garry Newman and the team at Facepunch Studios is apparently working on a new Garry's Mod game, according to an interview the developer did with PCGamesn. The original sandbox physics playground is still available for around the same price it has been since it launched back in 2004, and when asked if he had considered changing that, Newman surprisingly revealed the new project.
Garry's Mod has sold over 6 million copies”

Garry's Mod has sold over 6 million copies on PC, Mac and Linux. That's a lot of G-Men who've been twisted into unnatural positions and then blown up with a pile of explosive barrels. Creator and founder of Facepunch Studios Garry Newman tweeted the initial figure, and then split it by platform, with the PC unsurprisingly miles ahead in units sold.
Humble Jumbo Bundle includes Natural Selection 2, Orcs Must Die, Sanctum 2

The new Humble Bundle has been announced, and this one doesn't have any real theme, just a ton of quality games, many of them with all their DLC attached.
Garry's Mod has "made about" $22m, Facepunch "starting work on a new PC game"

The sandbox 'make what you like' tool that is Garry's Mod has generated about $22 million since going on sale through Steam, although its creators "get less than half of that", and then the "tax man gets a bunch" too. Currently Garry's Mod is up to version 13, with Kinect support added in December. A Linux version is also being made. Garry Newman teases "a new PC game" in the works.