Northgard Summary
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The Best Strategy Games on PC

From antiquity to the far future, the strategy genre allows players to command armies and build empires in a variety of scenarios. Here is our list of best strategy games on PC.
Northgard: Conquest Adds Procedurally Generated Campaign Mode

Northgard: Conquest is the next major free addition to Shiro Games' RTS, set to launch at some point this October.
Viking Real-Time Strategy Game Northgard Hitting Consoles In 2019

Shiro Games' Viking-themed real-time strategy game Northgard will be hitting PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch later in 2019.
Northgard Patch Notes - Update #8

Coming from the fine folks to destroyed the walls of genres and offered us every era of gaming in one slice with EVOLAND and its sequel, Shiro Games has attempted to mix quaint village building and combat with deep exploration with Northgard - a title heavily wrapped around Norse mythology.
Northgard Gameplay First Look

Vikings are certifiably the new Zombies when it comes to video game trends. Not that it's a bad thing since I certainly can't seem to get enough of them. We got our hands on Northgard the new indie strategy from Shiro Games and took it through its paces.