Oriental Empires Latest Updates
Oriental Empires Gets Genghis Khan-Themed DLC Today

The first DLC for this historical 4X follows the storyline of the legendary Genghis Khan as he assembles his armies for one of the greatest raids the world has ever seen.
Scenario and Map Editor Released for Oriental Empires

These powerful tools will allow you to create whatever sort of Oriental-themed historical combat scenarios you desire! Well, almost. No Godzilla, see.
4X strategy Oriental Empires Gets Map Editor, Begins Roll-Out of User Content

A map editor is just the first step in mod support for this "Total War meets Civilization" China strategy title.
4X strategy Oriental Empires release date set for September 14th

Turn-based strategy set in Ancient China will leave Steam Early Access in a month's time.
New Update For Oriental Empires Launched

Publisher Iceberg Interactive has released a major update today to the new 4x turn-based strategy title Oriental Empires