Planescape: Torment Summary
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The Best Single Player Games On PC

Single player games tend to trade the thrill of playing with or against other folk by giving players deeper, more interesting worlds to explore at their own pace with deeper narrative elements, with some exceptions. We've put together some of the finest single player games into a comprehensive list to help you with picking your next adventure. offering classic D&D bundle with sliding scale of savings

Good Old Games ( is offering an adjustable bundle sale of AD&D titles of up to 10 games including the classic Planescape: Torment and the Baldur's Gate titles. The sale will allow gamers to include as few as one game or as many as all 10 in the bundle. The number of games determines the amount saved: 40% off a single game through to 75% off if all 10 are in the bundle.
Planescape: Torment designer hints at sequel

Colin McComb, who is best known for his work on Planescape Torment, has recently hinted he is considering working on a sequel.
Interplay resurrecting Black Isle Studios, Dark Alliance III coming?

Interplay has been a busy little bee lately, as the publisher seems to be resurrecting legendary developer/publisher Black Isle Studios.
Avellone considering spiritual sequel to Planescape: Torment

Obsidian's lead designer Chris Avellone has expressed some interest in working on a followup to the classic Planescape: Torment that would ditch the Dungeons & Dragons RPG system, to be crowd-funded on Kickstarter.