Rogue Trooper Latest Updates
Rebellion Producing Rogue Trooper Movie, From the Director of Warcraft

The very first Hollywood-level silver screen adaptation of Rogue Trooper has now been confirmed for production!
Rogue Trooper Redux Sets Its Sights On October 17 With Its New '101' Gameplay Trailer

Considered to be one of the first cover-based third-person shooters, Rogue Trooper Redux is set to release across a wide range of platforms in just a couple of weeks. The lastest '101' trailer should help get you in the mood.
Rebellion offer 7 Reasons to revisit Nu-Earth in Rogue Trooper Redux

New trailer shows 7 Reasons to Revisit Nu-Earth for the 2000AD game's release on October 17.
Rogue Looks Much More Blue In This Rogue Trooper Redux Comparison Trailer, Release Date Set For October

We live in a world of remasters. The last console generation ushered in remakes and reworkings of games that sat comfortably on the machines that preceded them. Now, with a new generation in full swing, games of the last generation are being remade for the current.
Catch A Glimpse Of The New Rogue In This Rogue Trooper Redux Character Spotlight

With Rebellion opening up the 2000AD license, it looks like things are already starting to pay off. Before an inevitable slew of other comic-based games show up, we're getting a remaster of the 2006 Rogue Trooper to tide us over.