Singularity Summary
Singularity Review
Battle through time in one of this year's best FPS titles. (PS3, Xbox 360)
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Raven Software hiring for 'next-gen' first-person shooter

Singularity's Raven Software has posted a job ad for new blood to join them on "an exciting next generation title", while another mentions they're "at work on a first-person shooter". The studio's last full release was Singularity, and Wolfenstein before that, but they produced Call of Duty DLC for Black Ops and Modern Warfare 3 in 2010 and 2011 respectively.
Activision-owned studios defend publisher, "not heavy-handed"

During the PAX East event in Boston over the weekend a number of internal Activision studio heads defended the giant publishing 'ogre'. Vicarious Visions, High Moon and Raven all stood waving the Acti banner. They talk about less pressure, and support of the "independent studio model".
Rumour: Singularity's Raven Software working on James Bond

What with MGM's bankruptcy plan being stamped with approval it seems Activision and Raven Software's James Bond scheming is back on after all. They had a stealth-based 007 in mind but it stalled. Rumour also has Raven making an X-Men Origins: Wolverine sequel, but that's still frozen in time.
Activision pluck 40 Raven studio staff, "realigning its workforce"

Singularity developer Raven Software has had 40 developers trimmed from the studio according to sources, leaving it with one development team. Activision comment this is a 'realignment' to "better reflect" their upcoming line-up of work, which apparently is DLC. Raven also made PC Jedi Academy.
Call of Duty "offset" Singularity

Raven's Singularity "fell short" of the "exceptionally high bar" for the shooter genre, luckily Call of Duty picked up the slack, it 'set the bar' after all. Bizarre's racer Blur was "not able to break out" either but it did break "new ground" in terms of features defends Activision; a "significant investment".