Download D-DAY JUNE 1944 & AFRIKA 43 Historical add-on

WELCOME TO D-DAY JUNE 1944 & AFRIKA 43 ADD-ON FOR COMPANY OF HEROES BLITZKRIEG MOD by Justforfun1. Strictly non political and for entertainment only, some historical art contents in this add-on may be forbidden in some countries such WWII emblems and insignias, be aware of that before installing this historical add-on to your game, respect your countries law policies, i remind you that Company of Heroes is PG18+, be mature and responsable, all disrespectful or immature posts and comments will be reported, thank you. °°°INSTALLATION PLEASE READ°°° FIRST UNINSTALL COMPLETELY BLITZKRIEG MOD, check that the Blitzkrieg folder has been well removed from your computer by the Blitzkrieg uninstaller, sometimes its not the case and create errors, if its your case delete this folder MANUALLY (Program Files(86)-Steam-SteamApps-Common-Company of heroes Relaunch-Blitzkrieg folder Then reinstall the latest BK version (v + the new Patch (v. and of course to "add" Blitzkrieg Mod "as non steam game/product" in your Steam library game account , don't launch the game yet. When the latest Blitzkrieg Mod + newest Patch is re-installed you can install Historical add-on from the Historical add-on installer, DON'T FORGET TO CLICK ON "CREATE SHORTCUT ICON" at the end of the installation when the installer will ask, then drag and drop this shortcut icon into your PC icons menu shortcuts, you will not need the normal BK launcher icon, only use the Historical launcher icon, now you're ready to play Blitzkrieg Mod with or without D-Day June 1944 & Afrika 43! For the next Historical Add-on updates, just click of the last installer version thats all, the installer will overwrite old Historical Add-on files automatically, For Blitzkrieg updates just download them from the historical launcher. ***TEAM D-DAY JUNE 1944*** Justforfun1: Project Leader/Coder/Art/Realization. Wolf: Coder. D-DAY, June 1944 add-on is a complete cosmetic rework historically accurate for your Blitzkrieg Mod, the D-DAY add-on will give you access to the real combat units who fought in Normandy, all the fake uniforms, flags, symbols, icons, units portraits etc... are replaced by the real ones for a better game play experience, this Historical add-on is a visual/cosmetic change, your COH Blitzkrieg Mod game will remain untouched. ****The D-DAY JUNE 1944 add-on is FULLY ONLINE MULTIPLAYER COMPATIBLE, EVEN IF YOUR OPPONENT(s) DON'T HAVE THE ADD-ON INSTALLED TO HIS GAME, (The campaign mode is still not supported by Blitzkrieg Mod and by Historical add-on). ***TEAM AFRIKA 43*** Justforfun1: Project Leader/Coder/Art/Realization. Wolf: Coder. Sir_Leinad: Mapper. Languages supported: AFRIKA 43 add-on is a total Blitzkrieg Mod conversion on the 1940/43 desert war between the Axis Afrika Korps and the Commonwealth 8th Army to your COH Blitzkrieg Mod (2 factions in total, Afrika Korps+CW 8th Army), all units represented in this new historical add-on are historically accurate, new models, new doctrines, new historical skins, new desert maps of the biggest north African battles. Commonwealth 8th Army: -7th Armoured Division. (The Desert Rats) -9th Australian Division. -13th Free French Half Brigade of the Foreign Legion. -LRDG Jeep & Commandos (Long Range Desert Group) -Including new vehicles such Crusaders tanks Mk II & III. Sherman Mk III, Hurricane II-C. Afrika Korps: -164th Infantry Division. -15th Panzer Division. -21th Panzer Division. -17th Italian Infantry Division "Pavia", 27th Infantry Regiment. -103rd Italian Armored Division "Ariete", 8th "Bersaglieri" Regiment. -Fallschirmjager. (Ramcke Brigade) -Including new vehicles such Panzer III Ausf. N & J, Panzer II Ausf. F, Sdkfz 231 Fu, Messerschmitt BF 109. -1 Doctrine (Army) per faction (Afrika Korps/8th Army) instead of the 3 normally present per factions in COH, with 16 upgrades each, each doctrines/Army will give you access to Infantry/Tanks/Artillery regrouping the best of the best materials existing per Army compared to the normal 3 specific COH doctrines, you will have to choose depending of your needs where you want to go first, the Arty units will be reached only at the end of each doctrines, why 1 doctrine instead of 3? well the advantage of one doctrine is to have access to the materials you need depending of the way your opponent will play and not being "Stuck" only with one doctrine and be limited with unique materials, all army are complete and will oppose great forces for epics infantry/tanks battles. CREDITS: Panzer III model by BurroDiablo anim by Walki (Eastern Front Mod) - French "Képi" by Don_Durandal (Leader of TGW 1918 Mod) - Axis desert helmets, Arab wear, Aussie hat, officer cap by Halftrack (Leader of the BotB Mod) - Hurricane II-C & 6lb AT gun muzzle break by DMZ anim by Beefy - Beretta MP38 and Carcano rifles by Jorge2125 - Crusaders tanks by Aidas2, UV/Texture by Chopin, Anim/OE by Darkbladecr Skinswapper by Tankdestroyer - Panzer II by Tiger205 - Commando beanies by Gary Childress, 3d & Skins by serg_codmod (Kreta Mod leader) - JU-52 by MrScruffs R.I.P. anim by Tankdestroyer - Sdkfz 231 by Adiya, anim by Elipirelli - Some Desert skin textures by VanAdrian/Halftrack/Rain - New Fx/Tracers by VanAdrian - Blitzkrieg Mod by XALIBUR & his team All models & skins from Blitzkrieg Mod by their respective owners. Translations: Chinese by juaxiaoyin - Russian by Egorka94g - Spanish by Dartbone (Leader of EaW Mod) - Italian by gigiilmatto. I want to thanks personally all those people who made COH a better place and helped me for Afrika 43, in particular Dartbone, VanAdrian, DMZ, Halftrack, BurroDiablo, Aidas2, Don_Durandal, serg_codmod, you guys rock! and of course Xalibur creator of Blitzkrieg mod, thank you all of you! AFRIKA 43 will be online compatible IF players have AFRIKA 43 as well in their Blitzkrieg Mod. Please support me! donate by Paypal at this address: Thx.

Credits: justforfun1

File name Downloads Added
Historical-Add-On_1.0.exe 19 08 May 2015