Download Dying Light Manager v0.11a (works with

WORKS WITH ! Compatible with Windows x64-Bit Systems You have to disable FilmGrain (Ingame!) to disable Chromatic Aberration and such If you just want to Mod your Game, Make all Changes you like, then simply click at the Launchbutton If you mod by urself store all your modded files as always at the out/data Folder at your Documents after starting the Game, it should load them up. NOTE: If you already have Mods installed, BACKUP them! before using the Manager, - after you made your settings, you can apply them simply by copy&paste (if you have to overwrite existing Files, the Settings (indicated with the overwritten Files) will not work properly!) NOTE: If you made changes on the Gamesettings menu (like low textures, etc) DO NOT enter the graphicsmenu - it will reset the whole File. Blackscreen/Stuckscreen: If you experience this Problem while DISABLED Chromatic Aberration make sure your "Motion Blur" is turned ON at the INGAME-Settings If you don't like Motion Blur you can disable it via the Manager, Motionblur has to be enabled ingame (while disabled Chromatic Aberration) - it won't be shown anyway if disabled at the Manager Don't forget it's an Alpha Problems occour and i'm trying to fix them as fast as possible! I highly recommend to keep the Old version, that worked fine for you, too if you experience Problems - Please let me know at the Posts Section! Also available at: References: GreenGamers / YouTube: Thanks to ZombieNation2012 => subscribe him VirusTotal: Dying Light Manager v0.10d - VirusTotal No more false Positives ---CHANGELOG-- 0.11a +Create a Backup of your existing Datafolder +Share your Settings with your Friends, so you can play Online +Import Settings of your Friends +Disable and Enable Mods to switch between unlocked Online / Modded Version +Added Injection again. 0.11 +Replaced Structure to work with +Complete recode of the whole Tool +Safer use +If you Reset the Settings, it won't show the "Data modified"-Info -Fixed Bugs +Smaller Filesize +Faster and more accurate +CA / ParticleFX should be removed correctly +Performanceboost should be granted again NOTE: Watchkey had been removed until FIX Also the Gamesettings Menu is gone until i reimplement The Tooltips are also removed for this Version (they'll come back soon) 0.10d +replace old Gamefile with one NOTE: This Managerversion ONLY Supports! 0.10c -Fixed "Reset to Default" Issue 0.10b + Support +Removed Blue Filter if using Filteration, now it should look natural. (while using filteration) 0.10a +Added The MotionBlur Info for the Chromatic Aberration Checkbox +Fixed Motionblur issue (still appears at specific HP for example) -Toned down any motionblur by 10.000% so it's active but shouldn't be noticeable even if enabled +Blackframe while exhausted should be gone (also Motionblureffect) +Artefacts COULD be fixed now, they are not appearing for me anymore -Performance issue should be gone -EnvShadow bug removed, should work correctly now +LensFlare adjusted so it won't look THAT plane as it did after turning it off -Issue that indicated "Disable floating particles"-wrong removed --- 0.10 (Screen: ) +Chromatic Aberration will now be removed completly (Works without the Need of AA or Blur) NOTE: To work properly you HAVE to Check the "Disable all Blureffects" Box!!! +Abbility to turn off the Floating Particles in the Air +Added the functional Gamesettings-tab +30% lower (compared to lowest Ingamesetting) Viewdistance / 300% higher (compared to highest Ingamesettings) Viewdistance +Ability to choose "low" Texturequality (Gamesettings at Manager) +Ability to lower the FoV by 5 points / higher the FoV by 15 points (then possible ingame) +Performancetweaks -Decreased Bugs +Performanceincrease for AMD CPUs/ATI GPUs) +Better ReShade injectionmethod NOTE: The Fullscreenfunction can be still buggy(!) If you experience Bugs with the Settings, try to don't use Fullscreen and use NoBordermode instead (it's the same and recommend!) These are by far not all Features i wanted to add to 0.10 but i don't have the Time atm. =( I'm sry - but i will bring them! 0.09i_ -Fixed an issue in 0.09i --- 0.09i +Added 1.3.00 Compability +Added Gamsettings Tab (incl. Menu - but inactive) 0.09h -Should fixed the #8875 Error --- 0.09g +Aberration and Filtering get removed correctly now on Reset --- 0.09f Screen: +Added SFX/ReShade Support also working on Windows 8 & 8.1 (x64bit .dll's) +Added the Ability to choose between Download with Ads (Supports me), Download without Ads and no Download. -Minor Issues fixed --- v0.09e Screen: +Ability to turn of Lensflare --- v0.09d Screen: +Ability to Change the Shadowmapsize (Read the mouseover for more Informations) -Minor fixes --- v0.09c Screen: +Ability to watch your clock +Keybind (Impus) (Not in Savezones, while swimming etc.) NOTE: You can only look at the Watch if you have atleast finished the First Airdrop mission wich enables the Day/Nightcyrcle! +Ablity to turn of your HUD -Fixed minor issues -Fixed another Blackscreen issue --- v0.09b +New Savesystem, no more Adminrights required i changed from Registry to File NOTE: If something won't work, run the .exe as Admin, - it should work out then. If i experience there are a lot of Problems, i'll include the needed Adminrights again. -Typofixes (for sure there are new now xD) +Added a mouseover for each Option so you know what it does and also it tells you about the possible Performancehit and if there are about down/up-sites of using it. Also people with the Problem of not saving the Settings should haven't any more Problems now (Location: Your Documents\DyingLight\out\DyingLight.cfg") +Performancefixes overall -Killed another Blackscreen issue +Finetunes some Options --- v0.09a -added a missing cvar-list that causes blackscreen if Screendrops are NOT disabled. --- v0.09 screen: +Added Groups (reorganized the UI) +Improved UI +Disable Screendrops (Blood, Water, Slime etc) +Disable Pigeons ( xD ) +Enable Clouds (and Shadows if you like) +Improved Filters: Aberration (disabled now) +Improved Filters: Sunlightening (all FX) +Improved Filters: Blur (More disabled excl. Screenedge while running) +Improved Filters: Cloudshadows (new FX) +Improved Filters: Depth of Field (HUD-Removal added) +Changed Text +Added Sound (Playbutton and Checkboxes, theres also an option (top left) to disable sound) +Added Infotext if Mods are 'disabled' -Removed Indoorshadows because of bugs -Removed Performanceissues --- v0.08a -Fixed an issue that causes not to work correctly --- v0.08 +Added Support +You can add Dying Light Manager to your Steamlibrary by adding the .exe to your Gamelibrary --- v0.07a +Changed an Error wich causes in the inability to disable Aberration Without Aberration: +More clarified the single Options +Changed SpriteFX +Added the Info it's recommend to Reset the Settings after Update/NewVersion --- v0.07 -Remove Chromatic Aberration ( "Out-of-Focus"-Objects NOT included, no way yet =/ ) Example (at Start): --- v0.06a +Added Reset All Button +Performanceboost +Slight Adjustments / Directoryconfiguration +Env-Shadowsystem +Screendrops (Alpha - disabled atm) --- v0.06 +Added the Ability to turn on/off enviroment Shadows +Information at first Startup (you have to retick all your options once until next update) +Display Versioninfo at Versionscreen (Current:/New:) --- v0.05d -Finally fixed the nonstopstartissue (Big THX to klimenko-la(rus) for his help while fixing!) +Added BG-Picture and Buttonoverlay --- v0.05c +added 32bit (x86) support -fixed (new -_-) startupissues (in combination with nologos+noborder) -adjusted the startprocess slightly v0.05b -fixed the instant-startissue (should be finally done) --- v0.05a +Another Runmethod (replaces ShellExecute) - may work now without autostarts =/ v0.05 +The .exe has now to be selected by yourself (at first start) +Ability to remove Rain +Ability to remove Depth of Field +New Versioncheckprocess +New Startprocess +New RegReadprocess --- v0.04 +Ability to disable Motionblur (completly even while running) +Added a Messagebox for Windowmode -fixed an error while showing a new update, after updating -another try to workaround the Multipleinstanceissue --- v0.03a -Changed the Launchmodule (Maybe fixes endless execution?) -Changed missleading exe-pathdispaly --- v0.03 +Added the ability to change the Gamepath -Fixed missleading link --- v0.02a -Fixed a Bug at the Processpriority and Regsaveedit +Fixed a typo --- v0.02 +Processpriority-option --- v0.01 - First build

Credits: VisMxOwnZ aka LeavesOwnZ

File name Downloads Added
Dying Light Manager 72 16 Apr 2015