Matches support up to 32 players with two factions and four player classes. Each side gets a Commander to make tactical decisions for the team. Closed beta soon.
This will be InterWave’s first commercial title using Source engine tech. The game is set in the year 2045 where nuclear war has devastated the world and two factions, the Empire and the Consortium, have risen to try and wrestle control.
”Whether as an assault trooper or a sniper, players can choose from more than a dozen weapons ranging from high-precision sniping rifles to simple assault weapons and rocket launchers,” read the press release. Four character classes are available to play.
Of course you could also get the role of commander. ”As a team leader the tasks include organising allied fellow players into squads, ensuring that their own unit keeps being supplied and driving forward the technical development to produce more powerful weapons for use against the enemy.” A closed beta will likely run sometime in August.
Nuclear Dawn releases on PC this September.