EA has fought against claims the publisher tried to acquire Oddworld Inhabitants in the early 2000s. Spokesman Jeff Brown gave a stirring response to Lorne Lanning’s previously published interview.
”We wish Lorne luck on the game and recommend Lithium for the paranoia and Tourette Syndrome. Nobody here remembers a jet, a Ferrari or an offer to buy his company,” Brown said.Lanning had indicated how badly OI wanted to stay clear of EA’s grasp.
”When you say that to us we go ‘f*** you very much’, quite frankly. That’s not a sustainable model, that’s a hostile acquisition,” Lanning said.
”That’s why we had to strive to get independent. Rather than get into bed with someone we knew was a horrible bed partner we said ‘let’s stay virgins for longer.’”
Tune in same time next week, folks.