The episodic story-driven adventure Life Is Strange from Dontnod Entertainment, creator of the memory-tweaking Remember Me, has just been given a release date for its first episode in the series.
There will be a total of five episodes where a rewind time mechanic lets us alter our choices up to the last checkpoint, with consequences felt in short, mid and long term.
It’s a little bit like Remember Me when you were ‘re-writing’ memories, except the mechanic is being applied as the game unfolds from checkpoint to checkpoint. We play as the young Maxine Caulfield, a photography student, and she discovers she can alter time dramatically altering key events.
”As Max you must uncover the disturbing truth behind your premonitions and learn that changing the past can sometimes lead to a devastating future.” The studio says there are no ‘right’ choices.
An official reveal trailer for Life Is Strange has been released with episode one due January 30th.