There’s to be an ”in-game reveal” for Eidos’ new Deus Ex: Mankind Divided next week at E3 2015. They’ve confirmed Adam Jensen will be seen in all his new cyberpunk glory within the game itself.
CGI trailers are nice and all, and help set the mood, but fans wanted to see how Mankind Divided actually plays compared to the well-received Human Revolution. The reveal is set for June 16th.
[center]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-cards="hidden" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Watch the Deus Ex #MankindDivided in-game reveal on June 16th at the @E3 Square Enix conference. #CantKillProgress</p>— Deus Ex (@DeusEx) June 6, 2015</blockquote>
The in-game reveal will happen during the Square Enix conference at E3 2015 on June 16th. The PC version is being handled by Nixxes, who undertake many PC versions of big game projects. Everything is definitely ‘ghostable’ in Mankind Divided, including all bosses.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided releases on PC, Xbox One and PS4 with no release date yet.
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