Here’s where we’ll explain everything that’s changing and being added with League of Legends Patch 11.13. As June nears its end, League’s Patch 11.13 has landed on live servers, bringing with it a new set of spacey cosmetics and balance changes. A look at its patch notes reveals its release date alongside the addition of new Astronaut skins.
As reflected in its patch schedule, LoL Patch 11.13’s release date wass set for Wednesday, June 23, which is when the changes that make it through testing hit live servers.
League of Legends Patch 11.13
League of Legends Patch 11.13 brings five new skins, four of which are part of the Astronaut line. On the PBE, players can try out Astronaut Corki (1350 RP), Astronaut Maokai (1350 RP), Astronaut Rammus (1350 RP), Astronaut Veigar (1350 RP), and Project: Zed Prestige Edition (100 Prestige Points). The turnarounds below showcase how they look in-game.
The LoL 11.13 maintenance schedule is always revealed closer to launch. Usually, it takes about 3 hours for patches to be deployed. Checking our League of Legends Server Status article is a good way to keep yourself informed on server downtime caused by patch deployment or other reasons.
League of Legends’ Patch 11.13 introduces a series of mobility changes that affect several purchasable items.
The 11.13 Mobility changes we've been talking about should hit PBE tomorrow, and so we wanted to share out the changelist.
— Jeevun Sidhu (@JeevunSidhu) June 8, 2021
We took each item's win rates into account when making this evaluation, and so some of these are buffs, some are nerfs, and some are power neutral. (1/2)
Sanguine Blade will also be replaced with a new item, Hullbreaker, this patch.
Hey all!
— Phlox (@RiotPhlox) June 9, 2021
We're replacing Sanguine Blade with Hullbreaker, a broader item that'll be tempting for AD splitpushers.
It's going to ship 11.13 and you should see it on PBE tomorrow. As always we're glad to hear any feedback on the item!
Shoutout to @srrafles with the great VFX!
Riot Games also has some tweaks in store for the ARAM mode, including a nerf for Warmong’s Armor that should make its regenerative capabilities easier to counter.
On top of that, testing has begun for the MOBA’s Ultimate Spellbook game mode, which is detailed in this Reddit thread. Its first set of changes introduce a handful of bug fixes and disable the Teleport summoner spell.
Ultimate Spellbook has been updated on the PBE today. A lot of bug fixing and addressing difficult to support outliers. :)
— Reina Sweet (@ReinaSweet) June 15, 2021
The League of Legends Patch 11.3 preview’s final version looks to be largely focused on mobility creep reduction, rather than the usual larger set of champion changes.
11.13 Patch Preview with full changes.
— Mark Yetter (@MarkYetter) June 15, 2021
This'll be my last preview before moving teams, I'll update you all next week with more info about how we're sharing these in the future.
Other balance changes coming in League’s 11.13 patch include Tahm Kench’s mini-rework. Check out the full list below.
LoL 11.13 Champion Balance Changes
Aphelios - Buffed
The Hitman and the Seer (Passive):
- Bonus damage increased to 5/10/15/20/25/30 (Q rank 1-6) from 4/8/12/16/20/24 (Q rank 1-6)
- Lethality increased to 4.5/9/13.5/18/22.5/27 (E rank 1-6) from 3.5/7/10.5/14/17.5/21 (E rank 1-6)
Kayn - Changed
Blade’s Reach (W):
- Blade’s Reach VFX is now revealed when cast within terrain towards enemy champions
Lee Sin - Nerfed
Tempest / Cripple (E):
- Base damage decreased to 100/130/160/190/220 from 100/140/180/220/260
OIaf - Buffed
- Health growth increased to 100 from 93
- Mana regen to 7.5 from 7.47
- Mana growth increased to 0.6 from 0.58
Riven - Nerfed
Valor (E):
- Base shield strength decreased to 85/115/145/175/205 from 95/125/155/185/215
Rumble - Nerfed
Scrap Shield (W):
- Cooldown increased to 7/6.75/6.5/6.25/6 seconds from 6 seconds
- Movement speed decreased to 10/15/20/25/30% from 15/20/25/30/35%
Tahm Kench - Changed
- Mana growth increased to 50 from 40
- Armor decreased to 42 from 47
- Magic resist decreased to 32 from 32.1
An Acquired Taste (Passive):
- Bonus damage decreased to 2.5% of maximum health from 4% of maximum health</ul>
Tongue Lash (Q):
- Tahm Kench can now cast R - Devour during Tongue Lash to swallow champions stunned by Tongue Lash
- Tongue Lash now heals for 6/7/8/9/10% of his missing health when an enemy champion is struck
- Tongue Lash now applies a stack of Passive - An Acquired Taste to the enemy champions it hits
- Slow increased to 40% from 30/40/50/60/70%
- Slow duration decreased to 2 seconds from 3 seconds
- Cooldown changed to 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 seconds from 5 seconds
- Cost changed to 50/46/42/38/34 mana from 50 mana
- Tongue Lash’s range and missile speed now scales up with Tahm Kench’s size
Abyssal Dive (W):
- Tahm Kench channels for 1.35 seconds, dives for 0.15 seconds, then appears at the targeted area, dealing 100/135/170/205/240 (+100% AP) damage and knocking up enemies for 1 second. Hitting an enemy champion refunds 30% of its cooldown and mana cost. Tahm Kench can take Devoured allies along for the ride (allies can always eject before the channel finishes). Enemies cannot see where Tahm Kench is headed until 0.75 seconds into the channel.
- Cooldown decreased to 21/20/19/18/17 seconds from 24/23/22/21/20 seconds
- Cost: 60/75/90/105/120 mana
Thick Skin (E):
- Shield duration increased to 2.5 seconds from 2 seconds
- Grey health healing over time slightly increased to 10% maximum health per quarter second
- Time before grey health healing increased to 4 seconds of not taking damage from 2.5 seconds of not taking damage
Devour (R):
- Tahm Kench swallows the target champion for up to 3 seconds. If the target champion is an enemy, they must have 3 stacks of Passive - An Acquired Taste and take 100/250/400 +15% (+5% per 100 AP) maximum health as magic damage. Tahm Kench is also grounded and slowed by 40% movement speed. If the target champion is an ally, they are granted a 300/450/600 (+100% AP) shield that lasts for 2.5 seconds after Devour ends. Tahm Kench is also grounded and slowed by 40/25/10% movement speed but can still cast W - Abyssal Dive. Tahm Kench’s allies can see when Devour is available on his health bar (enemies cannot).
Viego - Changed
Blade of the Ruined King (Q):
- Minion healing decreased to 50% from 100%
Harrowed Path (E):
- Base bonus movement speed increased to 25/27.5/30/32.5/35% from 20/22.5/25/27.5/30%
- Missile speed increased to 1200 from 1000
- Missile zone length increased to 775 from 700
Xayah - Buffed
Double Daggers (Q):
- Base damage per feather-blade increased to 50/75/100/125/150 from 45/65/85/105/125
- Base maximum total damage increased to 100/150/200/250/300 from 90/130/170/210/250</ul>
LoL 11.13 Item Balance Changes
Anathema's Chains
- Giant’s Belt + Kindlegem + 800 gold
- Cost: 2500g
- 650 Health
- 20 Ability Haste
- Vow (Active): Choose a Nemesis to start building a Vendetta over 60 seconds. Has global range, must be used out of combat, and can be used while dead (90 second cooldown).
- Vendetta: Take 1% reduced damage from your Nemesis per Vendetta stack. This damage reduction starts at 0% and stacks up to 30% over 60 seconds.
- Vengeance:At max stacks, your Nemesis has 20% reduced tenacity while near you.
Black Cleaver
- Health increased to 450 from 400
- Rahe bonus movement speed per stack of Carve changed to 3, up to 18 from 5, up to 30</ul>
Cosmic Drive
- Spelldance bonus movement speed changed to 20 from 10-30 (level 1-18)
- Ability Power increased to 80 from 75
Dead Man's Plate
- Shipwrecker buildup duration decreased to 4 seconds from 8 seconds
- Shipwrecker max bonus movement speed decreased to 40 from 60
- Shipwrecker on-hit bonus damage changed to 1 physical damage per stack (+100% base AD), up to 40 from 1 magic damage per stack, up to 100
Death's Dance
- Defy heal increased to 15% of your maximum health from 10% of your maximum health
- Champion takedowns no longer grant 30% bonus movement speed for 2 seconds
Divine Sunderer
- Spellblade empowered on-hit damage changed to 12% melee || 9% ranged of target’s maximum health from 12% of target’s maximum health
- Combine cost decreased to 250 from 450
- Mythic passive movespeed decreased to 2% from 3%
- Typhoon (Ornn's upgrade) mythic passive movespeed decreased to 2% from 3%
- Pickaxe + Phage + 825g
- 50 Attack Damage
- 300 Health
- 150% Health Regen
- Boarding Party: While no allied champions are nearby, you gain 20-45 Armor and Magic Resist and 20% increased damage to towers. Nearby large minions gain 60-135 Armor and Magic Resist and 200% increased damage to towers.
Liandry's Anguish
- Combine cost decreased to 1000 from 1200
Lich Bane
- Movement speed decreased to 8% from 10%
- Ability power increased to 75 from 70
Luden's Tempest
- Combine cost decreased to 1050 from 1250
Moonstone Reaver
- Starlit Grace heal and shield power per stack increased to 7% per stack (max 35%) from 6% per stack (max 30%)
Prowler's Claw
- Cooldown increased to 90 seconds from 60 seconds
- Sandswipe targetting changed to Enemy Champions from Any enemy unit
- Lethality decreased to 18 from 21
- Sandshrike's Claw (Ornn's upgrade) lethality decreased to 26 from 29
Shurelya's Battlesong
- Inspire bonus movement speed changed to 30% movespeed from 60%, decaying to 30% over 2 seconds
- Shurelya's Requiem (Ornn's upgrade) Inspire bonus movement speed changed to 30% movespeed from 60%, decaying to 30% over 2 seconds
- Health increased to 400 from 200
- Attack damage decreased to 40 from 45
- Halting Slash no longer lets the user dash 300 units
- Halting Slash can now be cast while moving
- Halting Slash Damage increased to 100% from 75% AD
- Slow changed to 90%, decaying to 40% over 3 seconds from 40%, decaying over 2 seconds
- Cooldown decreased to 15 seconds from 20 seconds
- Heroic Gait bonus movement speed decreased to 20 from 30
- Mythic passive bonus movement speed decreased t 2% from 3%
- Dreamshhatter (Ornn's upgrade) health increased to 500 from 300
- Dreamshhatter (Ornn's upgrade) attack damage decreased to 50 from 55
Trinity Force
- Threefold strike bonus movement speed decreased to 20 from 25
- Attack damage increased to 35 from 30
- Infinity Force (Ornn's upgrade) attack damage increased to 45 from 40
LoL 11.13 Rune Balance Changes
Ghost Poro (D3)
- Granted Sight duration uration increased to 90 seconds from 60 seconds
- Enemy reveal duration increased to 6 seconds from 4 seconds
Nimbus Cloak
- Bonus movement speed decreased to 5%/20%/25% for 2 seconds from 5%/20%/35% for 2 seconds
LoL 11.13 Turret Changes
- Inner turrets in side lanes (top and bottom) now grant an additional 250 local gold
- All turret inventories now show how much local gold they give once destroyed
LoL 11.13 Summoner Spells Changes
Challenging Smite:
- Damage to minions changed to 500 (+10% of target’s max health) true damage from 900 true damage
Chilling Smite:
- Damage to minions changed to 500 (+10% of target’s max health) true damage from 900 true damage
LoL 11.13 ARAM Balance Changes
11.13 Buffs
- Akali +5% damage dealt, -5% damage taken ⇒ +10% damage dealt, -10% damage taken
- Gwen Normal ⇒ +5% damage dealt, -5% damage taken
- Hecarim +5% damage dealt & -10% damage taken ⇒ +10% damage dealt & -10% damage taken
- Qiyana +10% damage dealt, -15% damage taken ⇒ +15% damage dealt, -15% damage taken
- Rammus -5% damage taken ⇒ +5% dealt, -10% damage taken
- Rek'Sai +10% damage dealt, -12% damage taken ⇒ +10% damage dealt, -15% damage taken
- Udyr +10% dealt, -10% damage taken, +10% shielding ⇒ +10% dealt, -15% damage taken, +10% shielding
11.13 Nerfs
- Camille +10% damage dealt, -10% damage taken, +10% shielding ⇒ +10% damage dealt, -5% damage taken, +10% shielding
- Dr. Mundo Normal ⇒ +5% damage taken
- Trundle +5% damage taken ⇒ +5% damage taken, -5% healing
- Zyra -6% damage dealt, +6% damage taken ⇒ -10% damage dealt, +5% damage taken
- Warmog’s Armor 6 seconds champion damage cooldown, 3 seconds non-champion damage cooldown ⇒ 8 seconds champion damage cooldown, 4 seconds non-champion damage cooldown
LoL 11.13 Bugfixes/QoL Changes
- Fixed a bug where, when disguised, Neeko's purple bar from Passive - Inherent Glamour displayed the selected ally's health instead of her current health
- Updated Dr. Mundo's attacks with E - Blunt Force Trauma to feel less sluggish between basic attacks
- Fixed a bug where Dr. Mundo's Passive - Goes Where He Pleases did not go on cooldown when blocking Mordekaiser's R - Realm of Death
- Updated Corporate Mundo, El Macho Mundo, Executioner Mundo, Mr. Mundoverse, Mundo Mundo, and TPA Mundo's Q - Infected Bonesaw to be more visible when used in brushes
- Fixed a bug where Sion was able to respawn in his current location if his Passive - Glory in Death lasted longer than his death timer's duration
- Grounded and silenced debuffs from AoE abilities (Singed's W - Mega Adhesive, Soraka's E - Equinox, and Cassiopeia's W - Miasma) can no longer be removed with Cleanse if the player is in the abilities’ AoE
- The Support tab now properly appears over the Popular filter in the in-game shop
- Star Guardian Jinx's lines will now play when she purchases an item
- Statikk Shiv's lines purchase lines are now relocated to Stormrazor
- Fixed a bug where Aphelios would heal from spells instead of basic attacks when using R - Moonlight Vigil with Severum
- Fixed a bug where Mega Gnar’s base attack damage from his Passive - Rage Gene was inconsistent with its tooltip
- Fixed a bug where Rammus's Q SFX volume was affected by his VO
Here's what Patch 11.12 brought to the live server build of the game as well as videos showing off the Astronaut Veigar and Project: Zed Prestige Edition skins.
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