Here’s where we’ll explain everything that’s changing and being added with League of Legends Patch 11.9. As April comes to an end, League’s Patch 11.9 is now available on live servers. A look at its patch notes reveals its release date alongside the addition of new Conqueror Jax and Damwon Gaming skins.
As reflected in its patch schedule, LoL Patch 11.9’s release date was set for Wednesday, April 28, which is when the changes that made it through testing hit live servers.
League of Legends Patch 11.9 brings seven new skins for different champions. On the PBE, you can test Conqueror Jax, Conqueror Jax Prestige Edition, Damwon Gaming Jhin (1350 RP), Damwon Gaming Kennen (1350 RP), Damwon Gaming Leona (1350 RP), Damwon Gaming Nidalee (1350 RP), and Damwon Gaming Twisted Fate (1350 RP). The turnarounds below showcase how they look in-game.
The LoL 11.9 maintenance schedule is always revealed closer to launch. Usually, it takes about 3 hours for patches to be deployed. Checking our League of Legends Server Status article is a good way to keep yourself informed on server downtime caused by patch deployment or other reasons.
Kog’Maw’s VFX update is also on the way with updated model textures and other changes that aim to improve clarity around the width of his projectile attacks and empowered state.
Coming soon to a PBE near you, it's everyone's favourite void pupper, Kog'Maw with a VFX update!
— Riot Beardilocks (@Beardilocks) April 8, 2021
Updated Model Texture!
Updated Armor/MR shred icon
Project goals:
Improving gameplay clarity on missile widths, R edge indicator and W/P empowered state.
Viktor’s Full Machine skin is also getting a slightly more pestilent recolor this patch, as shown below.
BEHOLD! Full Machine #Viktor gets a recolor as a 975. A little late from his VFX update, but I'm having fun on my week off adding value.
— Riot Beardilocks (@Beardilocks) April 14, 2021
It's a kind of chem-tech Viktor, like he went down to Zaun.
Probably will reduce the brightness a little.
The LoL 11.9 patch preview has finally been shared, revealing upcoming buffs to Kindred, Kog’Maw, and Lulu alongside nerfs to Garen, Vlad, Diana, and more.
11.9 Patch Preview with the tentative changes:
— Mark Yetter (@MarkYetter) April 20, 2021
While doing the Hecarim nerfs we wanted to shift his power so that tank build has notably less damage (but still tanky) making room for a viable damage build.
Here are all the changes and additions introduced to League of Legends in Patch 11.9, as detailed by the developer:
LoL 11.9 Champion Balance Changes
Diana - Nerfed
- Base Health regen decreased to 6.5 from 7.5
- Armor per level decreased to 3.1 from 3.6
Moonsilver Blade (Passive):
- Attack speed decreased to 15-40% (based on level) from 20-40% (based on level)
Dr. Mundo - Nerfed
- AD growth decreased to 3 from 3.5
- Armor growth decreased to 3 from 3.5
Garen - Nerfed
Courage (W):
- Passive armor and MR per stack decreased to 0.2 from 0.25
Gragas - Nerfed
Body Slam (E):
- Bse damage increased to 80/125/170/215/260 from 80/120/160/200/240
Hecarim - Changed
- Armor decreased to 32 from 36
- Armor growth increased to 4.25 from 4
Rampage (Q):
- Damage bonus per stack changed to 2% (+1% per 33 bAD) from 5%
Spirit of Dread (W):
- Hecarim now heals for 30% (+1% per 40 bonus AD) of the damage he deals to a target. This is halved to 15% (+1% per 80 bonus AD) for damage dealt by allies
- Hecarim no longer heals 30% of damage taken by enemies within the area
Devastating Charge (E):
- Minimum base damage decreased to 30/50/70/90/110 from 35/65/95/125/155
- Maximum base damage decreased to 60/100/140/180/220 from 70/130/190/250/310
Heimerdinger - Nerfed
Hextech Micro-Rockets (W):
- Initial rocket damage decreased to 50/75/100/125/150 from 50/80/110/140/170
- Total damage decreased to 90/135/180/225/270 from 90/144/198/252/306
Jinx - Changed
Switcheroo! (Q):
- Fishbones splash crit damage changed to 175% (Damage to the primary target was unchanged and has been correctly 175%) from 200%; bugfix
Kayn - Buffed
Reaping Slash (Q):
- Darkin damage modifier increased to 65% of total AD from 55% of total AD
Kindred - Buffed
Dance of Arrows (Q):
- Damage increased to 60/85/110/135/160 from 60/80/100/120/140
- Cooldown decreased to 8 from 9
Kog'Maw - Buffed
Caustic Spittle (Q):
- Resistance reduction increased to 25/27/29/31/33% from 20/22/24/26/28%
Void Ooze (E):
- Cost decreased to 60/70/80/90/100 from 80/90/100/110/120
Lulu - Buffed
Whimsy (W):
- Cooldown decreased to 15/14/13/12/11 from 16/15/14/13/12
- Ally cast bonus attack speed increased to 25/27.5/30/32.5/35 from 20/23.75/27.5/31.25/35
Morgana - Nerfed
Tormented Shadow (W):
- Monster damage decreased to 185% from 200%
Rumble - Nerfed
Junkyard Titan (Passive):
- Overheated bonus on-hit damage decreased to 5-40 (+25% AP) from 10-50 (+30% AP)
Sett - Buffed
Haymaker (W):
- Damage ratio increased to 20% per 100 bonus AD from 10% per 100 bonus AD
The Show Stopper (R):
- Bonus AD ratio increased to 120% from 100%
Shen - Changed
Stand United (R):
- Minimum shield health increased to 140/320/500 (+17.5% bonus health) (+135% AP) from 175/350/525 (+135% AP)
- Maximum shield health increased to 224/512/800 (+28% bonus health) (+216% AP) from 280/560/840 (+216% AP)
Taric - Buffed
- Casting R - Cosmic Radiance, E - Dazzle, and W - Bastion on Taric's linked ally that is not present on the map will no longer channel, show their VFX, or grant benefits, respectively, on them when they reappear (through abilities like Elise's E - Rappel, Master Yi's Q - Alpha Strike, etc.)
Starlight’s Touch (Q):
- Mana cost decreased to 70/75/80/85/90 from 70/80/90/100/110
Trundle - Buffed
Pillar of Ice (E):
- Slow amount increased to 32/39/46/53/60% from 20/30/40/50/60%
Vladimir - Nerfed
Transfusion (Q):
- Cooldown time increased to 9/7.9/6.8/5.7/4.6 seconds from 9/7.75/6.5/5.25/4 seconds
Xerath - Changed
Arcanopulse (Q):
- Damage decreased to 70/110/150/190/230 (+90% AP) from 80/120/160/200/240 (+75% AP)
- AP ratio decreased to 85% from 90%
Eye of Destruction (W):
- Damage increased to 60/95/130/165/200 (+65% AP) from 60/90/120/150/180 (+60% AP)
- Enhanced base damage changed to 100/158.4/216.7/275/333.3 (enemies in the center of the blast) from 100.02/150.03/200.04/250.05/300.06 (enemies in the center of the blast)
LoL 11.9 Item Balance Changes
Dead Man's Plate
- Health decreased to 300 from 400
Death's Dance
- AD increased to 55 from 50
- Armor increased to 45 from 40
Moonstone Renewer
- Starlit Grace heal increased to 70 health from 60 health (also applies to Ornn's Starcaster upgrade)
Prowler's Claw
- Sandswipe targeting changed to Looks for a target in the following order: Nearest champion within 50 units of the cursor, nearest non-champion within 50 units of the cursor, nearest champion within 200 units of cursor, nearest non-champion within 200 units of cursor from Targets enemy exactly at the cursor
Sunfire Aegis
- Immolate damage to monsters increased to 150% from 100% (also applies to Ornn's Forgefire Crest upgrade)
Turbo Chemtank
- Bonus movement speed decreased to 40% from 60%(also applies to Ornn'sTurbocharged Hexperiment upgrade)
Wit's End
- AD increased to 40 from 30
- Build path changed to Hearthbound Axe + Negatron Cloak + Long Sword + 750 gold
Lol 11.9 In-Game Shop Updates
- Improved the dropdown for item sets. Now they're *set* up for success.
- Elixirs now display a cooldown in the Quickbuy panels so you can tell when the most powerful potions will be available for you to purchase.
- After purchasing a Mythic Item, additional Mythics will stop pestering you in the builds menu. SHOO!
- Ornn items are displayed in the shop if you have the great horned one on your team.
LoL 11.9 Bugfixes/QoL Changes
- Fixed bugs where Viego would not properly copy Kindred and Shyvana's stacking passives
- Fixed bug where, on possessing Kled, Viego would sometimes become mounted Kled with unmounted Kled's abilities
- Fixed a bug where, after possessing Kindred, Viego would occasionally keep the Wolf's VFX for the rest of the game
- Fixed various bugs regarding omnivamp and the champion's stat panel. Omnivamp in the stat panel will now properly match up to the actual values a champion has.
- Fixed bug where Jayce's W - Hyper Charge would not update his attack speed correctly
- KogMaw's Passive - Icathian Surprise VO has been restored and is playing once again on all skins
- Seraph's Embrace and Archangel's Staff are no longer blocked from being purchased if you own other items in the Lifeline group
- Riftmaker and Trinity Force now grant Kai'Sa the appropriate amount of stats for her Evolutions
- Fixed an issue where Rammus' Q - Powerball would grant more move speed than intended when Predator is equipped
- Shurelya's Battlesong and Shurelya's Requiem's Inspire passive no longer counts allied champions twice for its "Allies Motivated" counter in its tooltip
You can also check out our article on Patch 11.8 and see the Conqueror Jax Prestige Edition skin in all its glory in the video below.
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