Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD Latest Updates
Grab 9 Assassin's Creed Games For Under $16 In The New Humble Bundle
Yet to get into Ubisoft's mega-popular Assassin's Creed series? While some might say its lost its way with the sheer magnitude of releases of the years, the decision for it to skip 2016 (other than a movie) gives newcomers plenty of time to play catch-up. So here's Humble Bundle playing rescue.
Assassin's Creed American Saga Collection PC version only available in Europe
The snappily named Assassin’s Creed: Birth of a New World – The American Saga Collection is, slightly oddly, only getting a PC release in Europe and not in North America. Ubisoft confirmed the news to Gamespot, but didn't give a reason for the decision. Bit weird. I mean, the thing is called The AMERICAN Saga Collection, after all.
Ubisoft announces an Assassin's Creed colonial compilation with The American Saga Collection
Ubisoft is packaging up its colonial era Assassin's Creed games into one handy package - Assassin's Creed: Birth of a New World - The American Saga Collection. The collection will bundle up Assassin’s Creed 3, Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag and Assassin’s Creed: Liberation HD. it's coming to PC and last-gen consoles this October.
Rumour: Leaked images reveal Assassin's Creed in Paris, two games due in 2014
Images have leaked online and it reveals a future Assassin's Creed set in the French capital, with notable Parisian landmarks adorning the city sprawl. It's either called or codenamed 'Unity'. Interestingly this isn't said to be the only new major Assassin's Creed due later this year, as another called or codenamed 'Comet' is also scheduled. Every fall a new entry has released.
Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD released today
Ubisoft will release the high-def remake of their handheld title Assassin's Creed: Liberation today. Already released on PS3 since Wednesday, the game is now available on Xbox 360 and Steam.