Battlefield 2142 Latest Updates
Battlefield 2142 Sees New Life Through Mod Wizardry
There was once a time where EA threw Battlefield into the future with not much success. Long before Call of Duty decided to throw us into space or give us jetpacks and wall riding, Battlefield 2142 was already way out into the open. While it may have been too ambitious a project for technology at the time, or just something people didn't really want back then, the game wasn't a much of a success. Then, to rub it in further, the game went dark. Gamespy and its complete online infrastructure was shuttered dragging a long list of online games down into the abyss with it. Completely unplayable online, Battlefield 2142 was to be forgotten - until modders brought the game back online through some form of technical witchcraft.
Old Battlefield titles will live on after GameSpy shutdown
Venerable online matchmaking client GameSpy will shutdown on May 31, news which was met with dismay by fans of older games. Some good news for those still playing Battlefield Bad Company 2, Battlefield 2, and Battlefield 2142, though, as the Origin Twitter account confirmed that EA is working on transitioning those titles to new servers.
Reddit compiles list of games for GameSpy's May 31st shutdown
By the end of next month the matchmaking services of GameSpy will be switched off, and that means a number of PC titles won't function properly or at all online. Exactly how far-reaching is the GameSpy service? Reddit has put together a doomsday list that includes the likes of Halo, Star Wars: Battlefront, Stronghold, the Battlefield series, Crysis, Tom Clancy titles and Quake.
Battlefield 4: Naval Assault includes 'Carrier Assault', a re-imagined Titan mode
Battlefield 2142 had a Titan mode which featured a hovering air-carrier that had to be brought down, or defended. Now DICE are bringing it back as the re-imagined Carrier Assault in the upcoming Naval Assault DLC. The studio is yet to go into detail about how you'll sink the carrier, but Titan mode involved holding key missile launchers that bombarded the air-carrier. Naval Strike is due in late March.
DICE not working on futuristic Battlefield "would love to make it"
Lars Gustavsson of Swedish dev DICE confirms there's no 'Battlefield 2143' in the works at the studio, "but I would love to make it," he said. A lot of people "ran over and wanted to apply" for 2142. The sci-fi nature of the futuristic Battlefield affords greater "creative freedom" as its not constrained by a "historical and contemporary" setting. The in-development Battlefield 4 is set in modern day.