Outcast (1999) Summary
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Enjoy a first look at HD Adelpha with Outcast: Second Contact screens

It’s been a long, strange road for the Outcast remake. It hit Kickstarter in 2014 but ultimately failed to meet its $600,000 funding goal, leading the developers to seek out alternate options. It seems they’ve found themselves a publisher, because they’ve just sent over some screenshots for Outcast: Second Contact.
Outcast Reboot HD falls short of Kickstarter goal, team looking at new options

The Kickstarter campaign for the planned Outcast Reboot HD has failed to reach its goal of $600,000, ultimately earning just over $250,000. Developers Fresh3D Inc aren't quite done yet though, promising that they are looking at other methods of gaining funding for a remastered version of the 1999 classic.
New gameplay trailer released for Outcast Reboot HD

Fresh3D Inc has released a new gameplay trailer for the upcoming Outcast Reboot HD. The remaster project is currently in the middle of a Kickstarter campaign, with $225,078 pledged out of a $600,000 goal.
Outcast HD remake project begins Kickstarter campaign

Outcast, the well-loved action-adventure game released in 1999 for the PC, might be receiving a new HD remake, if a new Kickstarter project makes its $600,000 goal.
Lost Outcast II footage and screens revealed

Developer Franck Sauer, who worked on the original cult hit Outcast, reveals new footage, concept art and screenshots of the abandoned sequel.