According to a Microsoft internal document 56% of worldwide users were paying Gold subscriptions in February ‘08, reports the Seattle Tech Report.
An impressive 60% of US Live users were signed up to Gold. Microsoft already announced that 17 million enjoy the service; meaning around $425m was raked in last year through Gold.
”The Excel workbook seen by the P-I dates from February 2008 and includes Microsoft’s internal projections only to June 2008,” wrote Seattle PI.
These figures predate the launch of the New Xbox Experience which is believed to have surged subscription and account registration even more thanks to its new features and online services like Netflix.
”We’ve said before that Xbox LIVE is experiencing incredible growth; in January we had more new LIVE members join than any other month in the history of Xbox LIVE,” said a Microsoft spokesperson.
”With more than 17 million active members, a majority of whom are paying members, LIVE is a rich social entertainment and gaming experience that is unmatched in the industry.”
Are you a Gold, or a free-loading Silver?
Source: Joystiq