Update: In light of the events and the removal of JonTron’s voice role, a large amount of KickStarter backers have taken to the game’s original crowdfunding page to ask for refunds.
These individuals were brought to the original project in light of Jon’s support and excitement over the title and pledged in the hopes of hearing him in the game. Since word broke of his removal from the game, these individuals are understandably upset with PlayTonic Games’ sudden action so close to release.
Original story Circumstances may have changed lately, but for those Yooka-Laylee backers who threw their money at the project upon hearing that popular YouTuber Jon 'JonTron' Jafari would have a small voice role - don't expect to hear it if you update your copy.
Though the bombastic voice of one of YouTube's comical characters actual made it into the 1.0 version that will ship on the retail disc copies, recent events have caused developers Playtonic Games to pull his voice lines from the title in a forthcoming update - likely a Day 1 patch.
For the most part, JonTron's appearance in the game would likely have been a small, nonsensical cameo. After all, with Playtonic's Yooka-Laylee being a somewhat spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie - as you can tell from the play on words - the mutterings of its characters are just that. Mutterings.
Just Shy Of Two Years Since It's Reveal, Yooka-Layle Has Gone Gold
The decision came after in light of the various headlines JonTron has been making over the past few weeks by venting his controversial political views on Twitter and various podcasts. Each time he tries to explain himself better seems to just make things worse with a good percentage of the knowing internet now branding him a racist for one reason or another. The personality likely gained a voice spot on the title following his public friendship with the game's composer Grant Kirkhope whom he had as the first ever guest on the Game Grumps channel before he left to focus on his own content.
The news doesn't come as much of a surprise and it far more likely to be a PR precaution for Playtonic Games. Having a known racist attached to your product isn't a good look. While some don't care about his obscure political views, others are understandably upset. Either way, it's likely a painful blow for Jafari and a righteous victory for his angered followers.
Yooka-Laylee releases April 11. At that point you can expect a full guide up on GameWatcher. Grab a copy from Green Man Gaming to recieve access to the Toybox demo immediately.