They say ignorance is bliss and that age-old saying is taken very literally in Quote, a new action role-playing game on Steam’s early access program by developers Vindit. Quote places you in the role of Novella, a girl who was once a lover of knowledge and champion of the people against the God of Ignorance known as Bliss. Bliss captures Novella and wipes her mind, turning her into a priestess of ignorance.
Novella along with one of Bliss’s minions known as Tatters who is a book eaten monster is set off on a task to once again cleanse the world of knowledge by destroying books and the love of knowledge from the people. While doing this, Novella will gain power from picking up letters to form quotes which also unlocks specific dungeons in each level. You will also gain power points from getting Tatters to eat books, these points can be spent of improving and unlocking new skills for Novella.
The game is divided into chapters each with a large level with plenty of dungeons and place to explore. Combat works well and consists of clicking frantically to chain basic attacks, using pushes to break guards and as you unlock more move, using combos to deal larger amounts of damage. There are a variety of enemies including ranged and melee all of which require different tactics to take down effectively.
Quote shines in its aesthetic and polish even in its early access state. Much of the story is fully narrated with some great voice work and the worlds hand drawn art style creates something unique. While the game is a solid representation of an action role playing game, it lacks any real innovation and the lack of things to find in the world on occasion does leave some areas feeling void of life. The story itself is well told by the narration and packs in an intriguing narrative that is packed with humour as so not to keep it too serious and provide an overall charming theme.
System Requirements
Release Date
Quote is set to remain in early access for around a 6-month period in which the developers will release the rest of the game in stages. While a final release date is not yet set, feedback will be the ultimate deciding factor.
Additional Thoughts
Quotes sharp art style mixed with its fast-paced combat, vivid world and story that is packed with humour makes for a solid core arpg experience. The story and art style will likely not be to everyone’s pleasing but it is a nice alternative to the constant grim dark that most arpgs go for.
The character progression and story is where the majority of the pleasure comes from. The game is so well narrated that it tends to remind one of games like bastion and other big names in the indie action role playing market.
Most Anticipated Feature: More story and more narration!
Price and Purchase
Quote will be available on Steam via the early access platform in Q1 2017