ArcheAge Latest Updates
Revelation Comes to ArcheAge With Its 3.0 Expansion Now Live
ArchAge was one of the most anticipated MMO launches of 2014. Every year has one or two big releases like it, but ArcheAge was the one to capture the people's hearts a little while ago. And with its 3.0 'Revelation' expansion now live, it's likely trying to conjure up that feeling once again.
ArcheAge now in open beta, full release this September 16
Free-to-play fantasy MMO ArcheAge is now in open Beta. Finally. The game's been around in playable form since 2012, and it was released in Asia last year, but now the Western audience gets a chance to run around in its sandbox fantasy world. And if you like the Beta, there's not that long to wait until the real thing. It's out on September 16, in fact.