Dreadnought Latest Updates
Dreadnought Out On PS4, Big PC Update On The Way

A new ship unlock system, Twitch drops, and balance passes are all detailed here.
Dreadnought Update 1.9.0 Takes The Fight To The Amirani Volcano On Jupiter's Moon

While the idea of new characters or weapons would usually excite the playerbase of any multiplayer combat game, for Dreadnaught it's all about the maps - and a new ship (or two). It's all here in the 1.9.0 update.
Dreadnought Open Beta Key Giveaway - 2500 Keys Up For Grabs

Looking forward to taking command of your own fleet of capital ships once Dreadnough goes live? Let us speed up the process. We have 2500 open beta keys to give away!
Check out the capital ship classes of Yager's tactical action game Dreadnought

Now that they're no longer working on Dead Island 2 with Deep Silver, the development team at Yager has time to concentrate on Dreadnought, its impressive-looking spaceship combat game. The team has released a new trailer for Gamescom 2015, showing off Dreadnought's various ship classes and their weapon loadouts, from the sniper-esque Artillery Cruiser to the Dreadnoughts themselves, hulking tanks with punishing broadside cannon arrays.
Watch ten minutes of Dreadnought's spaceship battles, complete with developer commentary

Watching huge, lumbering spaceships knock the absolute crap out of each other is one of life's great pleasures. Developer Yager is well aware of this, which is why they've created a whole game out of that very concept - the very promising Dreadnought. If you're wondering how its giant naval battles work, you can check out a ten-minute slice of gameplay footage from last month's PAX South, complete with developer commentary.